Sunday, February 22, 2009

What is Pay it forward?
Well, it can be anything you want it to be?

Here is the BIG idea – we are going to help people, sometimes it will be something small like opening a door for someone whose arms are full. Sometimes it might be big; we might do something that really makes a difference in someone’s life;
something they can’t do for themselves.
When we see a need we fill it – Got it?
Okay, so here is how it works:
When you do a random act of kindness you pass along a
“Pay it forward” card; and you ask that person to pay it forward too.
When they Pay it forward they can pass the card along too.

This could be AWESOME! Just think about it, how great could this world be if people saw a need and filled it? If people were out there loving and serving one another with no regret and no hope of reward; isn’t that the kind of world you want to live in?
We would love to hear from you-
If someone does something kind for you, if you’ve been asked to
“Pay it forward” we would love to hear from you!
You can share your experience by clicking on “comment”;
then you can post your story.
If you want to read about other peoples experiences with
Pay it forward you can click on "comment"
to hear what others are doing.
Let’s inspire one another to “Pay it forward”!

Thursday, February 19, 2009